Any hunter would know that keeping oneself hidden from the animal is very important for the success of hunting. All animals react to camouflage differently, which is also true for deer. In the following blog, we will discuss the best techniques to choose the right blinds for hunting deer.

But before we do that, let us look at what exactly is a hunting blind.
What Are Deer Hunting Blinds?
A deer hunting blind, as the name suggests, is a device used by hunters. A hunting blind is a gadget used to conceal the hunter from its prey, in this case, a deer. It is also important to note that these blinds are used to hunt deer but can also be used to hunt any animal, as their primary objective is not to let the animals see hunters. These blinds can be both permanent and portable. Nowadays, hunters usually use portable blinds but still, many factors affect the choice of the blinds.
Tips for Choosing the Best Blinds for Hunting Deer?
Deer hunting is fairly common among hunters. If you are looking to hunt deer and buy some good blinds but need help figuring out what to look for. Then read on ahead and find tips to help you make the right choice.
1. What size blinds for hunting deer should you buy?
One thing that you should remember when picking the right blinds to hunt deer is to remember that the smaller the blind, the easier it is to hide and the more difficult it is for the animals to see. However, don’t just buy the smallest blind. You also need to ensure it occupies the desired number of people comfortably.
Such as a 4×4 blind for deer hunting would be good for a single person but if you are hunting with another person or in a group, then a two person hunting blind or a 4×6 blind would be a better option, respectively.
2. Weapon Type Being Used to Hunt
Another factor that will affect the type of blind you buy is the weapon you will be using to hunt deer – firearm, bow & arrow, etc. This matters because you need to have ample room to maneuver your gun.
If you are a single person using a bow and arrow, you would want to choose a blind that allows you to stand. However, if you are using a crossbow or gun, all you have to worry about is the window level, as you would want something that allows you to shoot freely.
3. Choosing Between Elevated Blinds or Ground Blinds
As we learned above, different animals react to different camouflages differently.
Then, what is the best option for blinds for deer hunting? (Here is what the Texas State Parks website has to say about it)
It has been seen that hunters who use elevated blinds see better results. But, some elevated blinds need to be more secure and can be hard to set up.
Ground blinds, on the other hand, are hassle-free and require a lot less fuss than elevated blinds. Plus, if the blind is set up correctly and well hidden, you can make your shot easily. You should look for the best ground blinds as a beginner or if you are looking for a blind that is easy to set up. You may learn more about ground blinds here.
4. Species Being Hunted
Many hunters don’t use ground blinds to hunt deer because deer are very observant creatures. Therefore, they might harbor suspicion against anything that randomly pops up in the forest. However, animals like turkeys, on the other hand, do not realize that a ground blind is there until it’s very late.
This shows that when choosing a blind, it is important to remember the animals you will be hunting. Since you are here, I’m guessing you want to hunt deer so choose a blind that is easy to pack and which you can easily and properly brush in to blend with the surroundings. This will make the deer less hesitant and more ready to come forth toward the blind, giving you a clear shot at them.
5. Best See Through Hunting Blind and Camouflage options.
Speaking of brushing into the surroundings, it is important to ensure that the blind you select blends in with the surroundings. Blinds come in many colors and patterns, so it is best to buy one that is similar to the surroundings of the hunting spot where you would mostly set up.
However, when hunting deer, simply setting up a hidden blind won’t work. You would have to make sure that the blind is in a corner of the woods so that it is not that visible. Another thing that has been shown to yield positive results is deer hunting is brushing in the outline of the blind. You can do this by using tree branches, leaves, mud, etc, to break the outlines of the blind and make it seem like it is a part of the natural habitat to fool the deers.

6. Best Hunting Blind Chair and Accessories
To have a good experience hunting deer, ensure that the blind you choose has good accessories and added features. A hunting blind with a heater, solar kit, pockets, etc, can enhance your hunting experience.
Features like extra storage compartments where you can store weapons and knives can make them more accessible when you need them. At the same time, keep them out of your way when you are keeping watch for the game.
Blinds with loops and hooks on the outside can help you camouflage it by keeping the braches you put on them in place. Having the best hunting blind chair is will surely improve your hunting experience.
7. Windows
Windows are an important factor when it comes to blinds. However, it’s important to note that more windows are only sometimes good. The reason is if you have many windows open, it will make it easier for the deers to see you.
Therefore, it is better to opt for a blind with small windows and ensure that these windows have silent zippers because loud ones (or alternatives like velcro) can startle the approaching deers away.
See thru hunting blinds is probably the best option in most scenarios. They allow full visibility from the inside but hide you from the outside. Therefore, you should know your needs and choose the blind accordingly. Here are a few options for the best see through hunting blind
8. Materials
Generally, it is a good idea to carry light when hunting on foot. This also goes for hunting blinds. You may find better value in readymade blinds but you can also fashion one using camo fabric. This can be fashioned using materials like mesh, burlap, and nylon fabric which are light and much easier to carry than the bulky premade ones. These are easier and quicker to pack up and set up. Yet you would have to take other factors like the animals you are hunting, etc, into account.

9. Insulated Hunting Blinds
Insulation in a blind can come in handy in a multitude of ways. Insulated hunting blinds will not keep you warm and can also reduce any sound you make from escaping the blind. It will also help reduce any reflections from the tent. Furthermore, a well-insulated blind will not allow your scent to escape and alert the prey.
10. Weather Resistance
When choosing a new blind, it is important to choose one that is weather-resistant. This includes things like rain. It can be quite irritating to be sitting in the blind with water tricking down it onto you. This is where a waterproof blind would come in handy. But even if you don’t have the fancy waterproof blind, you can use the regular one and spray it with waterproofing spray to help you out.
You can even cover the already waterproof blind with the waterproofing spray (it can’t hurt) if you feel like it is not doing the job properly. But keep in mind that you air dry the blind before setting it up because the scent of the spray might spook away the deer in the hunting area.
Conclusion: Blinds for Hunting Deer
Above are a few things to keep in mind when selecting the optimal blinds for deer hunting. If you are a beginner, you can learn a bit from hunter-ed before hunting.
Also view essential shot placement for effective hunting.